“Tides and Telescopes” Backstory

In late 2021 after a routine outpatient surgery, I inexplicably ended up in severe, unrelenting chronic pain. This extreme physical pain sent me into a steep downward spiral physically and mentally.

At some point, in that blur of darkness and painkillers, my wife suggested I pick up my guitar and start writing music. I think she intuitively knew that I needed music again. I first wrote a song called "The Tide". Then I wrote another. And another. Music wasn't healing the physical pain, but it was pulling me out of despair.

Over the course of a year, I put together a full album of songs about my experiences and about people close to me. I wanted to share these songs with the people who had supported me and also with anyone else who might be moved by the songs or appreciate them. In late 2022 I flew to Colorado and recorded the album.  

You can listen to the full album on Spotify or wherever you listen to music.